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Pest Control Marlow - Rat Infestation Eradication Buckinghamshire

Pest Control Marlow - Rat Infestation Eradication

We were contacted by a client in Marlow who had been suffering with frequent rat infestations every few months for the past 4-5 years.

The property was a 6 bedroom detached property from the late 1800’s, over the years the has been many alterations and extensions which have effected the drainage system.

A couple of companies have tried to tackle the infestation in the past with no lasting success. Instantly on arrival it was evident to Dean that there wasn’t enough inspection chambers to take the waste from so many bathrooms and was suspicious of a hidden inspection chamber.

A drain survey revealed 3 inspection chambers completely hidden under the patio, a broken pipe right on the edge of the extension foundations and a redundant uncapped pipe under the old kitchen floor!

Another extremely happy client living pest free with DKG!

To book or learn more please click here >> Pest Control Marlow Buckinghamshire

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