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How to set a Mole Trap? Mole Catcher UK

Updated: May 4, 2022

Mole Catcher Berkshire

How to set a mole trap?

Firstly decide what type of trap you are going to use?

This will depend on the depth of the moles tunnel, how hard the ground is and if the ground is very stony.

For shallow mole tunnels I will always use a tunnel mole trap or “duffus” type trap, these are the easiest to cover. It’s essential that you cover the mole trap with soil once you’ve set it as the mole will sense the light and temperature difference otherwise.

For moles with deeper tunnels I find the scissor traps are great, and once placed in the tunnel and bit of grass can be pushed in the hole and back filled with soil.

For very stony ground I would stick to using the duffus mole traps, whereas in very soft soil I’d use some form of scissor or claw trap.

Once you’ve established what trap to use, you’ll need a “Mole Tunnel Probe” this is a metal bar with a T shape handle and a bulb on the bottom, you use this to locate the moles tunnel between the mole hill.

Repeatedly probe the ground to a depth of about 8″ until you find a tunnel. Once you have found the moles tunnel, cut a small turf just bigger that the trap and clear the hole.

Place the trap in the tunnel and back fill with soil.

Mark where the trap is set with a mole trap marker as they are easy to loose!

Check the trap daily to see if you’ve caught one.

If you are struggling to catch the mole, which most people do!

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